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My fourth year of medical school wrapped up at the same time the COVID pandemic began. As I began unpacking my belongings at my parents' house and preparing to move for residency, I stumbled upon hundreds of pages of beautiful handwritten, original notes I had made throughout medical school. I scanned them in and re-drew them on my iPad in the hopes of sharing them with others.

Watch the process of re-writing my notes in a digital format below

Writing your own notes, especially by hand, is one of the best ways to grasp and memorize complex topics in medical school. Long gone are the days of boring hours-long powerpoint talks by professors who have no clinical experience. Students are taking matters into their own hands by finding short-cut study methods such as thin, high-yield review books rather than lengthy textbooks and watching videos online on 2x speed rather listening to monotone professors. The focus is not simply on learning, nor is it on gaining clinically relevant knowledge. The focus for medical students today is on doing whatever will be the fastest and surest way to get a high score on Step 1 and Step 2 exams. 

On my website, I will provide you with my handwritten notes. I hope to simplify and condense topics as much as possible, for you to grasp them as quickly as possible. We all know the struggle of learning anatomy from Wikipedia images, the only images that are available free because they are so old they are no longer copyrighted. I want you to be able to search for an obscure concept, like "innervation of the female perineal space," and find a diagram that shows you exactly what you're looking for. I want you to be able to compare blood group antigens in a simple table that consolidates all the info you need to know for Step 1. 

I hope this helps you get through those tough, boring, unproductive nights of studying and turns them into fun! 

Please enjoy the notes by clicking on the topics above or check out these other helpful links below. 

How to use this website

How to study for Step 1- coming soon

How to study for Step 2 - coming soon

How to study in general - coming soon

Medical school must-have resources - coming soon

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